dinsdag, augustus 08, 2006


It feels a lot like I'm just killing time until my flight on Thursday morning. Kamilla and Amanda have moved on to Brussels, and I'm spending my days wandering the narrow streets of Amsterdam, staring out coffee shop windows at the misty rain and passing tourists. I don't do travelling alone very well--I always find myself wishing I was staring at someone over that cappuccino or cup of Jasmine tea. The solitude lets me clear my head, but there are so many things better experienced with someone else. Spend dinner talking rather than reading a book or staring into space.

It's been an amazing summer, but I think I'm ready to come home. Come home, go back to school, and start working toward that pipe dream of getting my MS and moving to Europe permanently.

zaterdag, augustus 05, 2006

I Know It's Over

I'm leaving Eindhoven today to spend five nights in Amsterdam. It's weird. After a bout of sentimentality two nights ago, I'm just going about my business. This is how I handle change--do what needs to be done and not think about it. My suitcase is packed again, the room just needs to be vacuumed, and I have to wash my laundry. My badge and office key have been turned in. The project is Mahesh's baby now.

I always seem to leave a place just when I get comfortable. On Thursday night, Martijn, Ruud, Jos, Mahesh and I went out to dinner, and I could read the menu. People assume I'm Dutch until I open my mouth. It's still a slightly lonely existence, but if I could stay here longer it would really become home.

Someday I'll move to Europe. That I'm sure of.