vrijdag, juni 30, 2006

Dreaming on a Park Bench

I'm sitting in Schiphol airport, with about twenty minutes to go till flight boarding. Wireless in the (ridiculously tasteful) food court.

Reasons I love being here:
The train system works
For five euros I got a very good bowl of fruit and yogurt and a large glass of fresh orange juice. In an airport. In the US you wouldn't even be able to find either of those.
I bought a bicycle yesterday, thanks to which it took me only twenty minutes to get to the station this morning, and the whole route is gorgeous. I love riding my bike in Eindhoven.
In ten hours I will be in Ancona (thanks to plane and train connections, it's a bit of a long haul).
I got window seats on both flights.
The boys organized a committee to plan my weekend. I love them.

Life is fantastic. Early morning, biking on quiet streets, a train ride, and a well-designed airport.

There are racks of S4 PARs lighting the concourse. Teehee.


Anonymous Anoniem said...

hehe, nice on the S4s.

I MISS YOU!!! but it's totally cool that they're organizing your weekend.


juli 01, 2006 6:19 p.m.  
Anonymous Anoniem said...

Dear Iris,
I wish you a VERY happy birthday weekend. It sounds as though that's exactly what it will be! I'm so glad for you that you will be with friends who have planned it so it will be very special for you.
Knowing you're having such a good time is the next best thing to having you here!
Much, much LOVE,

juli 01, 2006 8:11 p.m.  

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