woensdag, juni 07, 2006


There's a path that winds through the strip of woods between Locatellistraat and the creek, and it happens to be the shorter way to work. After spending most of the afternoon nearly asleep on my keyboard, the minute I stepped out of the building everything was okay. The sun was out, the birds were singing, I had the Alkaline Trio playing in my ears. I took the path home instead of the road, and the sunlight was filtering through the trees perfectly and I must've had the biggest grin on my face, wandering along and singing "Blue Carolina" under my breath.

When I got to the turn off to go home, I went exploring instead. Down the path more, through wooded areas and along the bank of the creek, past grass fields prinkled with daisies, to a place where I could see the campus behind a screen of tall, beautiful trees--I can't believe I'm really live here, that this is my life. It's too beautiful to be true. The sun, the music, the path through the woods...it's at times like these that I honestly feel life is perfect.

On my way back, I ran across a little dirt path off through the woods, in the direction of home, and followed it. A hundred meters or so of path with overhanging trees so low I couldn't quite stand straight, then the woods opened up and I was in a huge grassy field full of daisies and buttercups, right across the street (and the median) from my house.

I still haven't stopped grinning like an idiot. Life is so beautiful.