dinsdag, mei 30, 2006

Rough Edges

Another frustrating morning. Walked all the way down to town hall (I timed it--it's a 35 minute walk), got there early, waited for it to open, checked in for my appointment, my number was called...and it turns out there's a whole stack of forms to fill out, and I'd forgotten my passport, and my birth certificate isn't official enough--it's missing some stamp on an attached page? and a residency permit costs 433 euros (which Ineke didn't mention, nor did she mention the paperwork). So I walked down there to be looked at like I was an idiot, handed lots of paperwork, and sent on my way. To walk four km back home. The earliest appointment they have for me to come back is next Friday, which means I have to reschedule my appointment at the tax office, and I won't get my bank account here opened till God knows when...

I am so, so unbelievably frustrated. All I want is a hug--I'm alone, starved for human contact. I don't make friends easily, and I miss all the ones I've left behind.

Now it's off to work to stare at code and will myself to focus. I'm hungry.


Anonymous Anoniem said...

The edges may be rough, but you're right on center for finding your way to the great places again. You DO make friends well, very well indeed, and you solve all sorts of problems. Some of them are just more irritating and/or frustrating than others.

Consider this a hug from Grandma -- or from someone who'd be more fun to hug.
Lots of love!!

juni 10, 2006 6:57 p.m.  

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