maandag, augustus 01, 2005

And Starring . . .

My life feels more like a teen comedy than it ever has before. And the only teenagers I know here I never see.

But I got home at two o'clock Sunday morning after a night spent taking silly photos and drinking Cokes in a public park on the edge of Ancona, before which we'd been at a pizza place teaching each other how to swear in multiple languages and telling the sort of stories that are funnier when everyone checks their dignity and maturity at the door.

The language we speak has been renamed Anconinglese, for its mix of Anconetano (Ancona slang Italian) and English.

On Sunday, we spent the day in the ocean, making and breaking alliances in a constant dunking war. Laura and I teamed up to dunk Lorenzo, Lorenzo and Laura dunked me, and all four of us finally succeeded in dunking Mauro (He has a significant height, weight, and strength advantage over all of us. As well as being trained in martial arts.)

Laura, Lucia's very skinny twelve-year-old sister, kept trying to dunk Mauro. Which was ridiculously amusing and not very succesful, as he would just pick her up and throw her in the water.

Add a soundtrack ranging from Metallica to Peter Gabriel to Mauro's endless (very amusing) renditions of the Italian pop song "Lascia che io sia," and I think we have a summer hit.


Anonymous Anoniem said...

That sounds like so much fun! And so refreshing, getting dunked -- if the weather has the typical Italian summer warmth. August is the month that most families I met in Italy were taking off for their summer vacation, mostly to the beaches, it seemed.

Has your credit card problem been solved? Do you have funds for the travel that I hope you will find time for before you head for home?

You're probably mostly still not ready to think about coming home, with all the fun you're having and all the people you've become fond of. Has your very young friend cut any more teeth, or is he resting at number two, not anxious to hurry on?

augustus 03, 2005 2:58 a.m.  
Anonymous Anoniem said...

That sounds like so much fun! And so refreshing, getting dunked -- if the weather has the typical Italian summer warmth. August is the month that most families I met in Italy were taking off for their summer vacation, mostly to the beaches, it seemed.

Has your credit card problem been solved? Do you have funds for the travel that I hope you will find time for before you head for home?

You're probably mostly still not ready to think about coming home, with all the fun you're having and all the people you've become fond of. Has your very young friend cut any more teeth, or is he resting at number two, not anxious to hurry on?

augustus 03, 2005 3:00 a.m.  
Anonymous Anoniem said...

I hope you're getting more hits on your blog than I see when I tune into it again -- especially since "Gramma" can stutter and repeat the same comment. (Gramma yet again)

augustus 04, 2005 10:55 p.m.  

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