maandag, juli 25, 2005

From an Email to Neil, Which More or Less Sums Up How I Feel

Am feeling sadder and sadder about leaving this place. I'm almost out of meal tickets for the mensa, Simone goes on vacation at the end of this week, Berkeley is sending me frequent emails about Things I Need to Do. I may be a wreck for a little while after I get home, because I have a whole litle life here that I'm leaving behind, complete with friends and children and a job and a home . . .

My ATM card doesn't work for some unknown reason. I think the bank's claim that airport security somehow erased it is bollocks, because it verifies my pin and then tells me it's been told to return the card. I, therefore, have 4,70 euros to my name, which is better than two days ago when I had exactly zero.

Okay. I feel like I'm about to start crying. This emo kick has got to end soon.

My job is wonderful. My friends are a bunch of ex-punk hardware engineers. Alessia said the other day that she loved me a lot. I've seen Teo get his first and second teeth, and start to figure out how to crawl.

Shit, now I'm really close to crying.

. . .

That said, I went out to lunch today (the plan started with an email from me to Simo in which I declared I was sick of pasta) with Pasqui, Michele, Simone, and Manuela (an occasional member of the coffee group). We walked to the beach and ordered piadine and a large bottle of water, and sat under the awning talking and joking, then had ice cream. Michele paid for my lunch, because I am broke and he's a nice guy. This is the kind of thing I'll really, really miss.


Anonymous Anoniem said...

Think how happily your family and friends here will welcome you!!! We all love you, too -- and you will always have those wonderful memories -- and more little children to watch grow through all the changes of their first year.

I can vouch for all this becaue I remember how wonderful it was to see Corey and Iris and Kit and Coll and Sorcha learn to do all the things that were brand new in their world. And cut first and second teeth, too.

Are you ready soon to spend some time seeing more of the sights of Italy??? I hope someone in your family can get the money to you so you can finance a lot of wonderful sightseeing before you start home.

Love always,

juli 26, 2005 12:13 a.m.  

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