dinsdag, juli 12, 2005

Cuanto tiempo pasa

This afternoon was one of those times when, to any casual observer, it would look like the Aethra hardware engineers never actually got anything done. About five minutes after I got back from lunch, Giorgio showed up with wine and biscotti in celebration of design success. There goes half an hour of supreme hardware engineer silliness. Fabulous. Then Peppe pulled out a DVD of his band's music video to show Simone, and a bunch of us crowded around his computer to watch it. Twice, because the first time through only Simone and I saw the bassist hiding (in a bright orange shirt, playing a bass) on a couch in the background of a whole series of shots. I maintain that the best part of the video is Peppe completely seriously playing the guitar in a corner of the bathroom. Bloody hilarious. A while later, time for coffee. Which, as usual, took a while, this time because we were talking about the video. Mauro and other-Simone hadn't seen it, so after fifteen minutes we all trooped back upstairs and watched it again. No one who hadn't already seen it saw the bassist. Simone and I started tallying points based on this: +10 for each of us, +9 for Peppe's fabulous bathroom guitar playing, -1000 to Mauro for not seeing the bassist, and -3000 to other-Simone for not seeing the bassist and then making lame excuses.