donderdag, juni 30, 2005

Diet Snake

This morning, Simone sleepily stumbles to the cupboard and reaches in to grab something for breakfast. Not unusual. But he reaches in, feels around, grabs a package . . . it takes him a moment to realize something is wrong. It's too light. He looks at it: the clear plastic packet is perfectly sealed, but there's nothing inside it. So he brings it to work, writes "merendina" on one side and "diet snake" (Michele's pronunciation of "diet snack," the translation for merendina he found in his dictionary) on the other, and leaves it on the desk of one of our coworkers who's known for eating everything (every birthday he's the one who finishes the cake).

It's become the hardware lab story of the morning, even funnier with Simone acting out finding the package, holding it up to the light to make sure it's really empty, etc.