dinsdag, juni 14, 2005

Películas de amor

I take back most of the bad things I've ever said about children. I spent the evening playing with Alessia and Matteo, the two kids of the family I'm staying with. Matteo loves to be held and has developed an obsession with my necklace. I spent a while after dinner, when Matteo was crying and Silvia and Roberto were both busy, walking Matteo back and forth across the flat and talking to him. He kept smiling at me during dinner--so adorable. Alessia, who's two and a half, seems to be determined to teach me Italian. She'll say something, then when I don't understand she'll start pointing and gesturing to explain. It generally works. We spent about half an hour running about after balls, with her always asking Dov'è il baloncino? Tomorrow I'll try to get my hands on the pictures Roberto took tonight and post them.